Try these love challenges (1)
Love Fitness Challenge A:
Invite someone you never (or rarely) speak to at work for a coffee or a glass of wine. Focus the spotlight on them by keeping the conversation light but showing an interest in what they get up to.
Why do this love challenge? Because it will help you learn about your ability to chat with someone you barely know that you don't have a romantic interest in. Also because you've done the inviting the responsibility will be on you to make them feel welcome. Finally getting to know someone outside of your comfort zone, if only a little bit, begins to show you there are all sorts of interesting people in this world that we often neglect to get to know. And we often pass over good men this way!
Love Fitness Challenge B:
Time to take a fresh look at your style and change one aspect of yourself. Why not go for a new haircut or a change of colour? Or if you’re always in the same business-type suits, or skirts and tops, or casual gear buy or borrow from a friend a different style and try it out.
Why do this love challenge? Taking a fresh look at your personal style again takes you out of your usual comfort zone. We often use fashions or hairstyles as a buffer against the world. We get stuck in our tried and tested fashions that can potentially keep your mental attitude stuck too. You'll be amazed how wearing the opposite of what you usually do makes you feel very different.
Love Fitness Challenge C:
Challenge yourself to use your body in new way by taking up something that forces you to face body issues. Take a belly dancing, lap dancing or a strip class - available all around the country. And if you don't have access to any of those, then draw your curtains, put on some appropriate music and strip in front of a full-length mirror. Admire and affirm to yourself that you're a wonderful woman. Select your favourite physical attribute and enjoy undulating/gyrating it - be it your hips, stomach, breasts, legs or arms - in front of the mirror to the beat of the music. Let go and have fun!
Why do this love challenge? We can’t separate our personal feelings and emotional life from the way we feel about ourselves physically. Taking a new look at your body and mixing it in with some personal enjoyment can enhance your body confidence.